Snow Ban Declaration Procedure

Weatherly Borough shall place the Snow Ban in effect for whenever an appreciable amount of snow falls or is predicted. At this time, the information will be announced on the Swift reach Phone System and posted on both the Weatherly Borough and Weatherly Borough Police websites and Facebook pages.
Weatherly Borough is placing the Snow Ban in effect for 1/23/2024 at 8pm due to the predicted winter storm. All Vehicles must be moved by 8pm or they will be ticketed and/or towed. All vehicles should be removed from the posted Snow Ban side of the street and remain there until the Snow Ban is Lifted or Reversed
When the storm has passed and the Weatherly Borough Road Crew determines that they have cleared the Snow Ban side of the streets and roads, they may then place the Reverse Snow Ban in effect.
Weatherly Borough is now placing the Reverse Snow Ban in effect for 1/24/2024 at 10am, all vehicles must be moved from the Non-Snow Ban side of the street by 10am or they will be ticketed and/or towed. All vehicles should be moved to the Posted Snow Ban side of the street and remain there until the Snow Ban is Lifted.
When the predicted storm fails to produce conditions warranting snow or ice removal or the Weatherly Borough Road Department determines that Snow Ban is no longer needed to accomplish its mission of keeping the streets clear, the snow ban will be cancelled or lifted. Example; Weatherly Borough is now Lifting the Snow Ban and regular parking may resume.
If you are not currently enrolled in the Code Red Phone System, please contact the Weatherly Borough Office at 570-427-8640 between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday thru Friday to add your telephone number to the system.
Borough residents are advised that all Snow Ban Announcements will be made by the Code Red Telephone Notification System as well as the Weatherly Borough website at, and their Facebook page, and the Weatherly Police Department website at and our Facebook page.
January 31, 2024
91-19. Violations and penalties. Any person violating the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a violation of this Article, for which violation said person shall be liable to pay a fine of $75.00 for each offense, plus costs, and each daily occurrence of the same offense shall be considered as a new offense and shall be fineable as such, payable to the Borough of Weatherly. If this fine is not paid within five (5) days from the date of issuance of the ticket, a citation shall be issued and upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine $75.00 plus court costs.