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Fraudulent Calls

The Weatherly Police Department received numerous complaints that a caller identifying themselves as an officer with the Weatherly Police Department with our phone number has a warrant for their arrest. The caller than in return asks for them to wire money and or buy prepaid credit cards. The Weatherly Police Department as well as other law-enforcement agencies with the arrest powers will not contact you asking for money in exchange to have the warrant go away.

When you receive these phone calls we encourage you to do the following:

1. Ask the caller for his name, company, street address and phone number.

2.Tell the caller that you refuse to discuss any debt until you get a written validation notice.

3. Contact your local law-enforcement agency if you feel you’re in immediate danger.

4. If for some reason you gave out information about your bank accounts or credit cards, contact your banks and credit card companies and request an alert be put on your file. Also contact your local law-enforcement agency.