Chief of Police

Chief Brian Markovchick has been serving the borough of Weatherly for over 25 years. He is a graduate of Hazleton High School and a native of Carbon County. After high school he attended Lackawanna College Police Academy. He was then hired as a patrol officer for the borough Weatherly while he also worked as a patrol officer for the borough of West Hazleton. In 2004 the Chief of Police position became vacant, for the next 5 years numerous Chiefs were hired with Patrolman Markovchick being appointed acting OIC between vacancies.
In 2009 he was appointed chief of Police and began making changes in the structure and operations of the department. He had the Sargent rank reinstated in the department for a better span of control, standard operating polices were implemented. The first Body worn camera program in carbon county was instated for all officers, and he insisted on still patrolling the borough with duty officers. During his tenure as chief the number of complaints received about Police conduct have dropped by 70%. Chief Markovchick is currently working on getting the department accredited. He is committed to building good community relations and trust with the citizens and visitors of the Borough.