2nd Annual Golf Tournament Postponed
2024 Weatherly Police Officers Association 2nd Annual Golf Tournament
2024 Weatherly Police Officers Association 2nd Annual Golf Tournament
The Weatherly Police Department is proud to announce that it will be hosting its 2024 Junior Police Academy this fall.
Weatherly Police made a traffic stop on a vehicle being operated by a male known to have a DUI suspended drivers license.
Weatherly Police received a call for a female slumped over the wheel in a vehicle on Maple Street.
On behalf of the Weatherly Police Department, we would like to congratulate former Weatherly Police Officer James Scott.
Police were dispatched to a fight in progress between a father and adult stepson that was physical in nature. Officers Harris and Palermo arrived on location where the two males were separated already.
Police were notified of a 3-year-old girl struck by a vehicle on 2nd Street in the Borough. Officer Harris and Chief Markovchick arrived on scene within a minute of dispatch time.
call for an out-of-control male harassing customers and staff at 2 separate establishments in the Borough.
Weatherly Police were dispatched for reports of a female who appeared to be under the influence of a controlled substance
Weatherly Police received an anonymous tip on the whereabouts for a male that was wanted by WPD for a DUI/Narcotics possession case from December 2023.