Police were dispatched to a fight in progress between a father and adult stepson that was physical in nature. Officers Harris and Palermo arrived on location where the two males were separated already.
Police were dispatched to a fight in progress between a father and adult stepson that was physical in nature. Officers Harris and Palermo arrived on location where the two males were separated already.
Police were notified of a 3-year-old girl struck by a vehicle on 2nd Street in the Borough. Officer Harris and Chief Markovchick arrived on scene within a minute of dispatch time.
call for an out-of-control male harassing customers and staff at 2 separate establishments in the Borough.
Weatherly Police were dispatched for reports of a female who appeared to be under the influence of a controlled substance
Weatherly Police received an anonymous tip on the whereabouts for a male that was wanted by WPD for a DUI/Narcotics possession case from December 2023.
If you cannot watch your speed, we will do it for you!
PRESS RELEASE – May 28th 2024
Incident No. 24-1396
On Saturday April 27th 2024 Weatherly Police Narcotics Unit began an investigation into the illegal sale of Narcotics and stolen firearms. Throughout the month-long investigation, Weatherly Police Officers conducted several controlled undercover operations to purchase multiple stolen firearms including shotguns and handguns with serial numbers obliterated to avoid tracing along with large amounts of methamphetamine.
On Tuesday May 28th 2024 the Weatherly Police conducted the final controlled purchase of Methamphetamine from the suspects. The suspects arrived in the Borough and delivered the narcotics where Weatherly Police Officers surrounded the suspects vehicle and both occupants were taken into custody without incident where they were transported back to the Weatherly Police Station for questioning. Charges filed by Officer Silfee were as follows:
Jeffrey W. Wilkinson, 28, of Freeland faces charges of: 4 counts – Person not to possess firearm (F2), 1 count – Possession Firearm W/ manufacturer number altered (F2), 3 counts – Firearm ownership (F3), 1 count Criminal Use of Communication Facility (F3), 3 counts – Manufacture, Deliver, or Possession with Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Controlled Substance (F), 3 counts- Criminal Conspiracy. Wilkinson was arraigned by Magistrate Homanko and bail was set at $250,000.00 straight. Wilkinson was unable to post bail and was remanded to the Carbon County Correctional Facility awaiting Preliminary Hearing.
Ryan M. Berger, 34, of Freeland faces charges of Manufacture, Deliver, or Possession with Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Controlled Substance (F), 2 counts – Possession of Controlled Substance by Person Not Registered (F), 2 counts – Criminal Use of Communication Facility (F3), and 3 Counts Criminal Conspiracy (F). Berger was arraigned by Magistrate Homanko and bail was set at $100,000.00 straight. Berger was unable to post bail and was remanded to the Carbon County Correctional Facility awaiting Preliminary Hearing.
Media contact – Officer Michael Eyer, Weatherly Police Department, 570-427-4241 ext. 109.
The Weatherly Police department would like to extend our appreciation to the WASD for allowing our Department and Officers to be a part of their daily routines, our Officers enjoy being involved with the School District along with all of the students.
Weatherly Police were notified of another traffic related problem in the area of Spring and East Main Street the Borough.
Weatherly Police were notified of a traffic related problem in the area of the sharp curve on Hudsondale Street in the Borough.