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Animal Neglect In The Borough

On June 24, 2023, Weatherly Police Department was notified of a dog barking in a residence inside the Borough of Weatherly, and that the owners of the barking dog had not been to the residence for days. Weatherly Police officers attempted to reach the owner of this dog and action was taken in an attempt to locate them. They were unable to be contacted and a search warrant was applied for, obtained and executed at the residence for the safety and welfare of the animal.

It was found during the execution of this search warrant that the dog was left without food or water for several days and was being mistreated. The dog was seized and taken to the local animal shelter and charges were filed against the owners for cruelty and neglect of an animal.

Weatherly Police Department is committed to the safety of the citizens and all pets who reside in Weatherly. Anyone who commits an offense against an animal will be prosecuted.