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School Is Out and We Are Too!

Children who are not in school usually are out in their neighborhoods, around pools, parks and playgrounds, at summer activities, events and stores. If you’re driving, you are largely responsible for their safety. A child doesn’t have a chance against a 3,000-pound (or heavier) vehicle in the street.

Now that school is out, children are going to be everywhere and children don’t always have the best judgment or awareness of what’s going on around them. You should be hyper-aware and watchful when it comes to children in the summertime.

Use your car’s rearview camera, if so equipped, and maybe even take a walk around the car before backing up just to be sure. Watch Your Speed and be extra careful around areas where children hang out – parks, stores and residential neighborhoods. Be careful going around corners in neighborhoods in case a child comes darting out of a yard and be watchful of lines of parked cars.

If you cannot watch your speed, We will do it for you!

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